Ilford Lane Shopping
The cheapest way to have a holiday in India is to get in your car and drive twenty minutes to Ilford Lane. Ilford Lane in East London is one of those areas that has been totally taken over and transformed into a mini-India. A long road full of all kinds of shops that you would normally see walking down the street in Dadar – Ilford Lane is THE place to buy anything from biriyani to overpriced saris to DVDs of movies nobody knows about.
There are distinct differences between going “Indian shopping” and going for a standard weekly shopping. A normal shopping session for me would include a neatly written list of everything that needs to be bought (mainly food) followed by a maximum 1-hour shopping trip to Sainsbury’s/Tesco’s (or if I’m really feeling rich then Marks & Spencer). Everything is neatly organised in their respective aisles that it’s near impossible to spend too much time shopping or miss anything. It’s easy, it’s straightforward, it’s seamless. Indian shopping is the polar opposite to this process, think of it as more of an event rather than a simple shopping trip.
I’m sure there is at least one other person reading this who recalls trips to Ilford Lane or some other Indian area in London with their parents on a Thursday evening. Being dragged around at least 5 shops so their aai can buy a lifetime supply of spices, watching their baba haggle with a man over the price of a bunch of cassette tapes and begging to be allowed to buy that one leftover can of “Mirinda” that they otherwise only ever see in India. Ilford Lane is not the most well-known Indian Shopping area in London though, normally it’s Green Street or the famous “Southall”, even East Ham but Ilford Lane is by far the safest driving-wise. That’s another thing with Indian shopping, any Indian area in London – people driving seem to think they are actually in India and suddenly forget how to drive in lanes, skip red lights, and actually beep their horns. I don’t think I’ve ever beeped my car horn in my life but that’s also because I haven’t driven to Ilford Lane myself, I don’t trust the roads enough to go alone. If you haven’t been to Ilford Lane but would love to visit India, think of this blog as a guide to what you should do when you land here.
Before we get into the actual shops, I cannot stress how important it is to come early and FIND PARKING. As with any areas like these, there is no parking so at least 30 minutes will be spent driving in circles to find a parking space only for some random uncle to speed in out of nowhere and take it from you. Come early.
Quality Foods
The centre of Ilford Lane is “Quality Foods”. If you are looking for vegetables exclusively from India, from outer space, from underwater, from fairy-tale books etc. then you have come to the right place. I am totally sure that there are vegetables in this shop that haven’t been discovered by scientists in the west yet but somehow there is always somebody walking into this shop confidently grabbing a bag and scooping up at least fifty of them to take home and make into some sort of monstrous bhaaji.
The vegetables are all displayed outside in true Indian shop fashion and not only are there massive mountains of them, but they are all absolutely massive. I didn’t think there were onions the size of my face but apparently Quality Foods has managed to grow them.
Any time there is a festival coming up, the staff also keep home decorations, diyas etc. with the vegetables. I’m not sure why these aren’t kept in the aisle with disposable cutlery or oil but as you walk through the vegetable mountains, nestled next to the giant watermelons you will come across boxes of bangles, dandiyas and cheap bindis. I don’t recommend buying these as they probably smell of dhaniya. Unless you are into that in which case buy four for £1.
Not only will you find giant sized vegetables in this section of the shop, but you will also realise the vegetables are given names you have never heard of. I still don’t have a clue what a Papdi Valor or an Indian Carrot is but apparently everybody else in Quality Foods does. The best bit about shopping here is the music. I’ll find myself walking past to the rice aisle and suddenly I’ll hear Diljit Dosanjh yelling “Edda nai shukahaa shaddi DA…HAAAAAAAAN PATIAAALAAAA PEG LAAAAA SHADDI DAAAAAAA” at me. Definitely alarming. But at the same time I can’t help but skip along and shoulder pop my way to my favourite aisle of all – the one with the bags of spices; and I don’t mean little flimsy packets of spices like you get in Sainsbury’s; I’m talking about industrial family size bags of kasoori methi. I’m talking about actual 10kg sacks of haldi. Walking down this aisle is like jumping into a Natco/TRS commercial.
It always beggars the question: why would any human being need to buy such huge quantities of spices? But then again, we Indians drown our food in as many spices as possible so when you think of things in that context these sizes are totally justifiable. However, I will never understand why anybody would want to buy massive bags of chilli flakes. That is definitely something that needs to be looked into; I’m a jeera-chi fodni person, chilli is hazardous.
Continuing through the shop you will come across many more aisles selling cholesterol-laden snacks, instant Git’s upma and dosa packets, and another weird aisle that sells cooking utensils and steel utensils. Everything from steel cups to giant steel bowls for I don’t know what, can be found down this aisle, but nobody ever buys anything from it.
Nevertheless, past the Vatika hair oil and chilli sauce section we come to a little corner of the fridge section where they sell Limca and Thumbs Up. Even if I’m not ten years old anymore,
I still get excited about seeing these because they cannot be found anywhere else in London. These exclusive and classy Indian drinks make me feel like I’m a Bollywood star, so I always buy at least one. Walking out of that store and popping the cap off a bottle makes me feel like Akshay Kumar from the Thumbs Up commercial.
Annoyingly after an hour of travelling through Quality Foods it’s time to leave and I have to heave my trolley to the aunty-cashiers. I love to analyse staff and the cashiers at Quality Foods always have/do the following:
They are always called Khadija/Sapna/Fatima and wear 99p red/pink nail polish
They never. Ever. Speak English. If they speak English, then you are in a fake Indian shop
They always break the register and ask their friend Haleema to fix it while you are waiting to pay the bill
They have the best fashion sense in the world. Masaba Gupta has nothing on Khadija from Ilford Lane